Friday, October 25, 2013

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

Each of the classes has had the opportunity to visit the CUMC youth's Pumpkin Patch over the last two weeks!  If you haven't had a chance to visit with your family, be sure to stop by!

Here are a few of the classes' pictures!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Check out our new art displays!!

We are so excited to have our new art displays up! 
What a wonderful way to brighten up the new blue walls!

A HUGE CDC Thank you goes out to Jessica Bader and Sarah Wehkamp for all of their help on this project!!!  Thanks, ladies!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

CDC Book Fair dress up days!!

We have had so much fun dressing up for
the Book Fair this week!! 

Here are a few of our cutie pies all dressed up!

Logan and Angelle LOVED hat day!!

Lucy and Jacob were ready for the beach in their hats!

Brayden, Gracie, Clara and Parker are all dressed up for Hawaiian day!

There is ONE MORE DAY for the book fair so if you haven't made it in yet, come on in!!  It will be open tomorrow before and after school as we wear our best surfer gear!

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered,
dressed up and shopped at our fair!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We had our first Chapel this week!

This Tuesday and Wednesday, the 2s, 3s, 4s and TK had our first Chapel of the year!  We walked down to the sanctuary where we sang songs, learned the signs for "Jesus" and "God" and talked with Ms. Mindy about the sanctuary!  We discussed what a sanctuary was used for, as well as the differences between it and our classrooms.  Some of the differences the children noticed were:

*  The size of the lights
*  The seating (we discussed the word "pew")
*  That there were no toys
*  The pipes on the front wall (we discussed the organ and how the sound comes out those pipes)
*  The stained glass windows

Ms. Mindy then showed us a picture of a cross and asked if we knew what it was and who it represented.  We talked about how Jesus died on the cross so that we could live forever in heaven! 

We then turned our attention up to the large stained glass window and found the cross made of peacock feathers.  We learned that peacocks shed their beautiful feathers so they can grow new, more beautiful ones!  Christians often use peacocks as a symbol of the new life we have in Jesus!