Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Chapel Lesson

Last week was our December chapel time and we wanted to tell the Christmas story in a different way!  We wanted the focus to be on God sending us his unconditional love in the form of his son, Jesus Christ!  

To begin, the teachers walked up to find a gift wrapped that said
To: The world
From: God 
on a small table at the front of the chapel area. 
Teacher 1:  Ohhhh!  Look!  A Gift!  
It must be for Valentine's Day!
(looking at the kids) Both: Valentine's Day is the next holiday coming up, right?
(Allow kids to answer: No!  It's Christmas)

Both:  Oh!  That's right!!  It's Christmas that's coming up!  Should we open the gift and see what's inside?
(Allow kids to answer: YES!!!)
Teacher 2: (taking the tissue paper out of the box without showing the kids what's inside) 
Oh my goodness!!  It's God's love!!!

Teacher 1:  Whoa!!!  That's such a big deal!!  Are we we can handle this?
Teacher 2:  Well, it says it's for the whole world and we're part of that, so I think it's OK!  
Teacher 2: (To the children)  Do you want to see what God's love looks like?
(Allow the children to answer "Yes!")
Teacher 2 pulls a baby wrapped in a blanket out of the box.

Teacher 1: What a minute!!!!  That's a baby!  You said the gift was God's love?  
(Look at the children for guidance to see if anyone knows who this baby could be)
Teacher 2: Yes, remember, in the bible it says 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son...'
Teacher 1:  Whoa!  So that's baby Jesus?!?! This IS a big deal!!  Wait...should we hide it??  Maybe we should keep it to ourselves?
Teacher 2:  What do you think, kids?  Should we hide God's love?
Allow the children to answer "NO!  It's for the whole world!"
Teacher 2: That's right!  We need to share the good news with everyone!
Teacher 1:  Yes!  Let's tell everyone we meet that we're so excited about Christmas because we celebrate God sending us His son!  Happy Birthday, Jesus!
(Lead the children in signing Happy Birthday to Jesus)

The chapel closed in the following echo prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us so much that you sent us Jesus. 
We will share the good news with everyone!